Price match guarantee

If you find the same item listed at a lower price (including delivery) elsewhere, we'll match it for you.

For further policy details click here.

Why buy on Vinterior?
  • 14-day return guarantee
  • Top customer service
  • 100% secure payment

How it works

  1. Send a screenshot of the item from the other website with date and time visible.
  2. Send us the link of the item on Vinterior and on the other website.
  3. We'll check that it's the same item from the same seller.
  4. If eligible, Vinterior matches the price.
Request a price match

Welcome to Vinterior,
the new home of vintage

We created our online marketplace to give pre-owned the platform it deserves

Vinterior is for anyone who loves characterful furniture and shopping sustainably, whether you're a vintage aficionado, or just curious.

We've searched far and wide to curate and bring together 2,000 vintage and antique sellers from over 30 countries (and counting), making it easier than ever to find one-of-a-kind pieces and shop in a way that's better for the planet.

From mid-century modern to traditional antiques, we celebrate good quality, good looking, good for the planet pieces.

Out with the new, in with the old.

From our founder

'Our mission is for everyone to have considered pre-owned furniture before buying new'

Our journey so far

Early 2016

Sandrine teaches herself how to code. Vinterior, the pre-owned furniture marketplace launches

Late 2016

Backed by Seedcamp funding, the Vinterior platform grows. We now have 5,000 mid-century pieces, carefully curated from 40 independent sellers


'Mid-century sideboard' becomes our most-searched-for piece. Vinterior hits a humbling milestone of £1m in sales. We secure a venture capital injection to support our ambitious plans and unite 500 sellers with our vintage and pre-owned curious customers


Our growth picks up pace. We now offer our community a choice of 100,000 pre-owned pieces


A funding round is secured in order to further invest in our platform and build a more characterful and sustainable world


We become the UK's market leader with hundreds of thousands of pre-owned pieces and 2,000 sellers. A rebrand is rolled out to inspire more people to choose vintage and set the business up for the next stage in its journey

Why shop with us

Choosing pre-owned furniture, each piece with its own story, is the fast track to creating a more characterful home.
Buying pre-owned means shopping sustainably and choosing a better future for the planet.
Our sellers offer quality products and expertise helping you find one-of-a-kind pieces that have stood the test of time.
No lead times
Cut out the long lead times when you buy furniture already in circulation.
Returns guarantee
We offer a 14-day return guarantee & free cancellations.
Customer service
We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service, with direct access to our highly-rated CX team.